Javascript Basics

Don’t sell yourself short: learn to attract customers and close sales by mastering skills such as persuasion, lead generation, sales calls and meetings. While using the traditional selling tenets as a foundation, you will look at adapting the concepts to the rapidly changing world of business, including the use of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, blogs, wikis, and other interactive ways of connecting with customers. The ability to negotiate effectively is an art form which many of us are not confident in doing. Formal negotiations are however, a vital part of communication across various sectors from business to politics. Our sales courses will be of interest to all professionals in many varied sectors such as business, entrepreneurship, human resources and management who are looking for guidance on the art and practise of successful negotiation.

  • Introduction

    A brief outline of the course

  • Key Skills

    Key skills required for cold calling

John Smith

Super Administrator

I am a skilled an qualified instructor

Certificate Price